Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- Break_
- Case_
- Catch_
- Class_
- ClassConst
- ClassLike
- ClassMethod
- Const_
- Continue_
- Declare_
- DeclareDeclare
- Do_
- Echo_
- Else_
- ElseIf_
- Expression
- Represents statements of type "expr;"
- Finally_
- For_
- Foreach_
- Function_
- Global_
- Goto_
- GroupUse
- HaltCompiler
- If_
- InlineHTML
- Interface_
- Label
- Namespace_
- Nop
- Nop/empty statement (;).
- Property
- PropertyProperty
- Return_
- Static_
- StaticVar
- Switch_
- Throw_
- Trait_
- TraitUse
- TraitUseAdaptation
- TryCatch
- Unset_
- Use_
- UseUse
- While_